Learn while exploring Greece

Experience historically and culturally significant sites and regions first-hand, and interact with the people and landscape of Greece. CYA-led field study is an essential part of the CYA curriculum and supplements the academic program. The cost of field study (-a total of twelve days) is included in the fees.

Destinations: Peloponnese, Delphi and either Crete (fall) or Thessaloniki (spring)

Before, During and After Each Field Study

  • Pre-departure lectures – cover the historical background and the current importance of the regions and sites to be visited
  • Exciting projects – during the field study for a more meaningful experience to help you better understand the sites
  • Wrap-up sessions – upon your return to help you consolidate what you have learned


Participation in academic field study is compulsory as it supplements the academic program and involves coursework. Field study will give you a chance to boost your knowledge by exploring major sites relevant to ancient, medieval or modern Greek history.


Due to varying field study itineraries, Breakfast is offered at the hotel daily instead of Lunch. Students are expected to budget for lunch and dinner on their own during field study (an average of 10 days per semester).

Out of the Classroom and into the Palaces! – An Academic Field Trip to Crete: Kalei Oliver, CYA Fall ’18, reports.

Hotel Accommodations

Hotel accommodations during field study will be in double- or triple-occupancy rooms with private bathroom, in 2- to 4-star hotels.